Syria, five years later, thousands of lives lost, millions turned to refugees, homes and infrastructure destroyed but still ITUC continues to support the imperialists and the murderers.
With a new statement dated 11 March 2016, the ITUC not only does not apologize for the positions it has taken and the false orientation it has promoted in the trade union movement about the issue of Syria and Middle East in general, instead repeats 5 years later its support to the policy of the imperialists and murderers that created this situation to begin with.
ITUC even asks from the "influential Governments" to "bring peace and respect of human rights", to "bring hope"!
Who are the ones who armed, trained and funded the terrorists and murderers? Who are the ones who play with the lives of millions of refugees leaving them to become victims of exploitation, to die in the Mediterranean and to survive in terrible conditions? Who are the ones who "welcome" the refuges with globs, teargas and repression? In front of these questions, ITUC puts the head in the sand like the ostrich.
Because without denouncing the imperialist policy of the European Union, of NATO, of USA, of the Government of Turkey, of the Emirs and Monarchs, of those who formed the situation as it is today, the sympathy towards the burdens of the Syrian people is hypocritical.
In Syria, ITUC supports the imperialists, as it supported the bombarding of Libya, as it supports Israel and Histadrut and puts the same fault to the victim and the culprit thus attacking the heroic struggle of the Palestinian People.
On the contrary, WFTU, from the first moment, exposed the truth to the international working class and denounced the plots of the imperialists and their mechanism. These plots have nothing to do with "democracy and peace" but only with the interests for the formation of the "new Middle East" and puppet-governments and for the control of the natural wealth-producing resources. The WFTU always defends the right for the people to decide freely and democratically for the present and future.
The WFTU from the first minute is consistent in its struggle for the organizing of the internationalist solidarity with the Syrian people, the people of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Palestine and all the Arab world.
Internationalism, Unity, Struggle arm the workers with the basic tools they need to construct a world without poverty, unemployment, without exploitation and imperialist wars.