
The position of the WFTU in the ACTRAV ILO Symposium “the future of work we want” October 18-20,2017


 Dear colleagues,

 As World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), since 1945 the very core of our action have been the constant struggles for the attainment of the workers’ contemporary needs; the struggles for a work with full rights in every “field of battle”: at the factory, the shipyard or the offices. Wherever there has been the workers’ call for dignity, the WFTU was there to show its solidarity and to offer its best militants.

Nevertheless, the outbreak of the world capitalist crisis, caused by the over-accumulation of capital, created the conditions which enabled an unprecedented assault against workers’ labor, social security and trade union rights. Multinationals and big monopoly groups saw a golden opportunity to do away with any labor right that workers had gained with their own blood and was standing in the capitalist’s way for the maximization of their profits. Hence, they unleashed a whole campaign in order to abolish worker’s rights and overcome the crisis, shifting the burdens to the workers. In other words: the simple workers were those who “paid” with their own sweat the capitalist crisis in the past, the simple workers were the same who would pay with their losses the crisis at present.

Of course, the WFTU, the international class-oriented trade union movement was not taken by surprise by the anti-workers policies; the monopolies and the industrialists had already expressed their intentions at a very early stage. The biggest part of the anti-workers measures taken during the last years in Greece, France, Italy and elsewhere had already been described in detail since the early nineties as strategic goals of the EU and the OECD, in the context of the EU’s White Papers and the Treaty of Maastricht. This way, Collective Agreements have been repealed, wages have been decreased, flexible working arrangements have been taken forward, social security benefits disappeared. From Latin America to Europe and Africa there is a solid anti-worker front aiming to get rid of workers’ rights once and for all.

In the light of the above, it seems that the future of work prepared by the ruling class for those who produce the world’s wealth is not that bright. Therefore, the world class oriented workers’ movement has to ask itself: Is this the future we want for us and our children? Unpaid work, starvation wages, contemporary slavery? The debate on the future of work neither is another talking shop, nor a vague concept. The class-oriented trade union movement, wherever it may act, in its country or inside the ILO, has to emphasize on this point.

So, this depends on the urgent tasks that the class-oriented movement has to incorporate to its agenda, with primary responsibility to recover the losses it suffered during the last years of the crisis.

Thus, we, as WFTU, we can’t imagine the future of work debated today in this room, without Collective Agreements. We can’t imagine the future of work without a stable job with full rights. We can’t tolerate that we are going to work without social security rights. It is unacceptable to compromise with generalized unemployment, poverty and bosses’ terrorism in the workplaces.

This way, in order to protect all these workers’ achievements, we have to build a strong trade union movement. And in order to build a militant labor movement not only we need trade union rights but above all, we have to guarantee the protection of the right to strike. By rejecting every government and employers pressure to restrict it, we can create a strong labor movement, capable of thinking and acting for its own. A movement capable of fighting against the regression of workers’ struggles, the poor level of organization in the workplaces. A movement that would give the opportunity to women to participate and be elected in its ranks and would also ensure the organization of immigrants and refugees, while being a strong enemy of fascism, racism and xenophobia.

At the same time, we share some of the worries expressed here about digitalization and new technologies’ repercussion to the world of work. For us, every technology innovation should be judged on the basis of worker’s lives. We strongly believe that new technologies must contribute to the workers’ well-being and not to the maximization of monopolies’ profits; that is to say that new technologies must be put at the service of the simple people. In parallel, we would also want to underline the impact of the climate change, especially under the light of the terrible natural phenomena which inflicted great damages to Mexico and the Mesoamerican region. It reminds us of the urgent need for social protection and efficient struggle against the environmental degradation. This also constitutes an important aspect of the dignified work we want to ensure for workers’ lives.

 It’s in this context that the World Federation of Trade Unions imagines the future of work. Because the future of work concerns first and foremost all these people in every corner of the planet who produce the wealth of the whole human society. Unfortunately, any other declaration would be a mere religious assertion.

Thank you,